So it’s four weeks since Irish Country Living launched its fitness challenge with Juliet Murphy, and I am happy to report that I am now able to go out and jog 5km without running the risk of keeling over. And...wait for this... even enjoy it. Alert the Vatican. There has been a miracle.

If there is anything that I have taken from the programme, it’s that interval training really does work. Prior to this, I was trying to go hell for leather, but not getting anywhere because it was too much, too soon. Now I'm convimced that with interval training, you can gradually build your stamina and fitness and get real results.

It’s psychological as much as anything: after all, it’s much easier to approach a 40 minute run as eight, five minute rounds, especially when you have a stopwatch to distract you. The four- minute workout has also been a revelation- though I’m convinced that the more advanced “burpees” introduced by Juliet in week four may just be the work of Satan- but it’s very easy to ramp this workout up just by holding every exercise for 30 seconds rather than 20.

I’ll admit that I haven’t been very disciplined when it comes to the diet side of the programme as I’ve had a few weekends away in a row, but I know that the fitter I am, the less likely I’ll be to sit at home on the couch, surrounded by chocolate wrappers, while watching House of Cards. Over the last six days, for example, I’ve been involved in some sports activity or exercise four nights, and even if I have to sometimes drag myself out the door, I never regret it afterwards.

In the last article, Juliet spoke about maintaining motivation and setting goals. Clearly, I’ve taken this all too literally as I have found myself signed up to a “couch to 42km” training programme starting this May to prepare for the Tralee International Marathon in March. To be honest, I’m not sure if I have the stamina to complete a marathon, but I feel that a half-marathon would be a great achievement and well within the realms of possibility. I think it’s so important to set goals, so I’m looking forward to seeing what I’m made of.

I would love to hear from anybody else who has undertaken the programme or who hopes to start now. What have you enjoyed or indeed struggled with most? Have you set yourself a goal, such as taking part in the Flora women's mini marathon or another local event? Or would you like to see more fitness series going forward in Irish Country Living?

Remember that all the exercise videos are online on so it’s still not too late to start. And maybe I'll see you at the marathon starting line next spring!