In a case of doubling the muscle, professional mixed martial artist (MAA) fighter Conor McGregor is seeking Belgian Blue bulls.

The 34-year-old Dubliner is seeking bulls of the breed for a “good home” and has “ample green land for them to roam”.

In a post on Twitter on Thursday evening, he appealed to his 10m followers to direct him to where he might find such Belgian Blue bulls for sale.

“I’m in the market for some Belgian Blue Bulls if anyone could direct me. To a good home, Ireland. Ample green land for them to roam. Thanks,” the post reads.


Liked by nearly 14,000 people, the post has garnered significant attention, with a number of Irish breeders throwing their breeding in the hat for McGregor’s new herd.

McGregor posted on social media seeking advice on acquiring Belgian Blue bulls. \ Ramona Farrelly

Irish Limousin breeder Steven Tierney has chanced his arm, commenting under the post with a photo of a Belgian Blue cross weanling with the caption: “Might suit the job!”

It remains to be seen if the MMA fighter will be visiting his local mart with the cheque book or if he is seeking a more private, farm-to-farm deal.

McGregor's Belgian Blue bulls will have ample room to roam, he said.

However, it is worth pointing out that the Irish Farmers Journal’s has a number of livestock lots for sale, with some potential to McGregor’s fancy.