The event will be presented by Waterford-based medical doctor and Tedx speaker, Dr Mark Rowe and he will share advice on staying healthy, maintaining wellbeing and burnout prevention.

Speaking ahead of the event Dr Rowe says he will be addressing the theme of this year’s nationwide Science Week, which is ‘Human and what It means to be human’.

“The quality of our interpersonal relationships is critical, so is our ability to recharge from stress, explains Dr Rowe.

“Other things like sleep, exercise, movement, food and spending time in a health enhancing environment is also important.”

According to Dr Rowe, the ripple of the effect of the pandemic still endures.

Real pandemic

“The real pandemic now is a pandemic of loneliness, and adverse health outcomes such as heart disease, stress, memory loss, falls, depression and anxiety, says Dr Rowe.

“People who are lonely and socially withdrawn develop social anxiety and can spin into a downward spiral.

That’s why building connections is more important than ever, Dr Rowe adds.

Dr Rowe's talk is one of over 50 events across South East Science Festival that showcases the important role of science in everyday life.

The programme of free talks, lectures, shows and events will be running in various locations in Waterford Tipperary and Carlow.

South East Science Festival is organised by CALMAST in SETU, with support from Science Foundation Ireland, local authorities in the region, the EPA and local industries such as MSD, West Pharma and Haleon.

For more information on the South East Science Festival events visit

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