Factory quotes for fat lambs remain under pressure, with cuts applied of 5p to 10p/kg.

While quotes of 585p/kg were available earlier this week, factory agents have now pulled those base quotes back to 580p/kg.

Producer groups are being pinned to that lower base and with bonuses factored in, lambs are moving at 585p to 590p/kg.

Individual farmers handling bigger numbers indicate deals of 595p to 600p/kg have been paid for a good supply of meal finished lambs.

Despite lower quotes from factories, mart prices are holding firm with prices in the region of £127 to £135, depending on weight, conformation and fat cover.


Base quotes for prime cattle are steady at 476p/kg for U-3-grading animals with price deals on steers and heifers holding firm at 492p to 496p/kg, although regular finishers are securing prices around 500p/kg.

Cull cows are unchanged at 380p to 400p/kg.

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