A new farmer wellbeing board was launched on Tuesday 17 December at Ballyjamesduff Mart, Co Cavan.

The boards and accompanying wallet-sized information cards help raise awareness about the key factors that can create stress for farmers and to highlight some of the supports available for farmers or family members.

The boards provide information about the various agencies and sites that are available to support farmers who are struggling or experiencing crisis.

Farming is a rewarding but also high-pressure and at times stressful occupation.

The boards enhance mental health literacy among farmers to help identify warning signals of poor mental health, promote resilience and build broader support networks within the rural community.


The A0-sized boards will be supplied to all marts and agricultural outlets across Cavan, Monaghan, Louth and Meath.

“The boards also include a QR code which leads directly to a copy of the board with all of the information provided,” said HSE head of service for mental health in Louth/Meath Mairead O’Neill.

"This includes a range of support services relevant to the farming community such as Teagasc, the IFA, Embrace Farm and also mental health support helplines and services, many of which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (for example, Samaritans, Pieta, Text About It). "These services are confidential, free of charge and can offer practical and emotional support during times of distress and crisis.


"The work of a farmer can be challenging and very rewarding, but sometimes it can be very stressful. Managing stress can sometimes be difficult,” said Irish Farmers Association regional executive officer John O’ Hanlon.

“Recognising that something may be wrong with your mental health or the mental health of someone you know is the first important step, knowing how and where to reach out to get help is the next important step. This poster campaign will help you do that.”

Members of the public are invited to photograph the boards and to share the photos with friends and colleagues to get the message spread as widely as possible.

It is important to seek help, if needed. If you are having a tough time at the moment and need to reach out for support, please speak to your GP or contact any of the following free 24/7 supports: Samaritans on 116 123, Pieta on 1800 247 247, Free Text Hello to 50808, email support@shine.ie or find more information on www.yourmentalhealth.ie.

Funding for this initiative was allocated through HSE Connecting for Life Louth and Meath, with support from the National Office for Suicide Prevention.