The average price paid for agricultural land in Fermanagh during 2024 stood at £8,867/ac. The price is down by 3.5%, or £319/ac, on the 2023 average of £9,186/ac.
Across the island of Ireland, Fermanagh ranks in 23rd position for land price, down one from 22nd place in 2023, and it continues to have the lowest county average land price in NI.
When converted into euro at €10,473/ac, Fermanagh’s average land price is still stronger than other neighbouring counties in the Republic of Ireland, such as Roscommon (€9,098/ac), Sligo (€9,090/ac) and Leitrim (€6,419/ac).
Our records show that 1,805ac were publicly advertised for sale in Fermanagh last year. This represents a significant jump of 70% compared to the year previous. The area for sale equates to 0.68% of the county’s agricultural area.
In 2024, there were 60 farms advertised for sale in Fermanagh, meaning the average lot size was 30ac. This compares to 40 lots with an average size of 27ac the year previous.
Our records show that 32% of agricultural properties for sale in the county last year had a dwelling house or approved building site, with 68% of lots classified as non-residential.
The highest price recorded in our survey was almost £14,000/ac for a 50ac block in the middle of the county. The lowest price was £5,000/ac for a large property in south Fermanagh.
Our analysis found that 81% of surveyed sales fell into the £10,000/ac or less bracket. We found 19% of transactions were in the £10,001-£15,000/ac window and no sales in our survey made over £15,000/ac.
It is broadly similar to 2023 when 71% of sales fell into the £10,000/ac or less bracket, 22% of transactions were between £10,001-£15,000/ac and just 7% of sales made more than £20,000/ac.
Average*: £8,867/ac (€10,473/ac)
Price range*: £5,000/ac to £13,900/ac
Total area offered: 1,805ac
Number of farms offered: 60
Average size: 30ac
Biggest farm offered: 106ac
*Number of transactions: 16