Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture Pippa Hackett has announced the results of an open call for Woodland Support Project funding.

The Department of Agriculture will allocate €1.4m to 39 successful submissions over a period of two years, with the initiative seeking to promote the multi-functionality of Irish woodlands.

The average amount paid out under the initiative will be just over €35,500, whilst the largest allocation of €87,559 was received by the nationwide Woodlands of Ireland project.

Diverse benefits

“The publication of the EU forestry Strategy last week highlighted the diverse benefits which our woodlands can play and this open call aligns very much with that approach,” Minister Hackett stated at the announcement.

“I want to thank all those individuals and organisations for taking part and we look forward to working with the successful groups on the implementation of their projects over the next two years,” she said.

The Irish Agroforestry Forum, Hometree Charity Ltd, Forest Industries Ireland and the Irish Timber Growers Association are all among the beneficiaries of the scheme.


The projects will work in areas including developing the timber sector, improving farmer knowledge of the benefits of forestry and engaging the wider community with trees.

Among the actions selected for support under the scheme are:

  • Forestry webinars.
  • Promoting home grown timber for construction.
  • The planting of native trees in GAA grounds.
  • Woodland open days.
  • Ecological restoration.
  • “I am delighted to see such a broad range of inspiring projects aimed at supporting woodlands and I am particularly pleased at both the spread of projects throughout country and at seven of those chosen highlighting the environmental benefits of woodland,” Minister Hackett continued.

    Budget increase

    Commenting on the strong interest shown by groups in submitting projects to the open call, the minister announced that the funding had been increased from an initial €1m to €1.4m.

    “Given the response to this open call and in order to fund as many projects as possible, I was more than pleased to increase the available budget to €1.4 million," she added.

    “I did not wish to see any worthy project left behind and really look forward to seeing them being rolled out and what they can achieve."