Options and opportunities exist for farmers and farm families looking at expansion, changing enterprise, or stepping back. The option chosen must work for you and your farming circumstances. The choice includes:

  • a) Contract-production or contract-rearing. This is straightforward and allows two people work together for better land use. Each party farms in his/her own right and looks after their side of the arrangement.
  • b) Long-term leasing. This is clean and simple, delivering access to land at a known cost for a definite period.The landowner benefits from income tax relief and has income security. The tenant is the farmer and the landowner effectively retires. However, landowners can opt to retain some land and continue to farm that themselves.
  • c) Partnerships. These are an excellent arrangement for two like-minded people with a similar vision who wish to develop a farm business together. Partnerships can be very effective for a dairy farmer linking up with a drystock neighbour, for example. Partnerships are an excellent progressive arrangement within the family and should be encouraged for all family farms as part of succession planning.
  • d) Share-farming. This is an arrangement whereby two or more people come together to farm the same piece of ground. All parties are active farmers and share in the risks and rewards. Share-farming can work for any enterprise but is most common in tillage (share-cropping) and dairy (share-milking). Share-farming can work very well for landowners who wish to step back but are not yet ready to retire. They stay involved in the farm business. On the other side, share-farming represents an excellent opportunity for new entrants and young trained farmers. It allows them to get involved in a farm business at much lower risk and investment than would be the case with a lease.
  • The Land Mobility Service is available to go through all options with interested parties, and has the expertise and templates to facilitate any type of arrangement. Contact us at info@landmobility.ie or www.landmobility.ie.

    Land Mobility Opportunities

    A key element of the Land Mobility Service is matching people to opportunities. This is a brokerage service to find the ideal farmer match for you. Call 01-4199555 to speak with our specialist team and provide your details and preferred option. Confidentiality is assured. Qualified leads will be passed to you for further consideration.

    Farms for Lease

  • LIMERICK DAIRY FARM (Kilmallock/Knocklong area) available for Lease. 110 acres in one block with 90 cubicles and 12 unit milking parlour with feeders. Owner has ceased milk production and is looking to retire. | REFERENCE NV05
  • GRASSLAND FARM FOR long term lease (minimum 10 years). Prime location in Co. Laois, 55 hectares approx. | REFERENCE PA08
  • LIVESTOCK OPPORTUNITY KILKENNY Good Size traditional mid Kilkenny mixed farm with sucklers, cattle, sheep & tillage. Land Owner looking for an enthusiastic young trained farmer with skills and experience in livestock and grassland management to explore a collaborative farming arrangement. |REFERENCE TN09
  • Dairy Opportunity

  • SHARE MILKING OPPORTUNITY in west Waterford. Working dairy farm, 160 acres of which 100 acres is dairy platform. Farm presently has 120 cows, modern 12 unit parlour and associated accommodation, slurry storage, calving and calf facilities. Owner has food business interests and wishes to step away from the dairy farm. He would like to engage with a potential share milker. | REFERENCE LA03.
  • DAIRY FARMERS REQUIRED to take Friesian heifer calves from 14 days old and keep to milk over 1st and 2nd lactations returning to owner on point of calving at start of 3rd lactation. Heifers to be sent out in batches of 20 and all are from a top herd. | REFERENCE IA02
  • TIPPERARY DAIRY OPPORTUNITY 226 Acres near Nenagh. One block, good land, central roadway. Slatted tanks and straw lie backs for 100 cattle. Farm mostly in grass with some tillage. The owner is looking to engage with someone interested in developing a dairy operation on this farm. | REFERENCE OK14
  • NORTH WEXFORD DAIRY farmers looking to expand their business through Share Farming or Leasing arrangement on other dairy farm in the Wexford/south Wicklow area. Preferably a ready to go farm but all options considered. 35 years experience in managing own dairy herd. Property and livestock will be treated & maintained to the highest standard. References available from Teagasc, farm suppliers and people we currently have lease agreements with. Some of our current land leases have been in place for 25 years. | REFERENCE FL09

  • DAIRY FARMER SEEKS suitable person to contract rear a large number of Jersey X Friesian replacement heifers from weaning through to start of their second winter. Livestock are from a fully vaccinated herd and a herd health plan is in place to assist in management of these young stock. Guaranteed monthly payments. Leinster/Connacht area but will consider all areas. |REFERENCE WN07.
  • CONTRAT REARER AVAILABLE to Rear 100 Heifer calves from weaning stage to point of calving. Good grassland farm, in paddocks and reseeded on a yearly basis. Heifers to be weighed on a monthly basis. Previous experience in rearing heifer calves. Midland’s area. | REFERENCE IL03
  • CONTRACT HEIFER REARING service available in Co. Kilkenny. Can take up to one hundred 0-1 year olds and one hundred 1-2 year olds. Calves must be weaned. 1-2 year olds returned by end of November. Good husbandry skills and good grassland management skills. | REFERENCE TN14
  • CONTRACT REARING SERVICE available in east Co. Clare. Can take up to fifty 1-2 year old heifers from late March to December 31st. Good husbandry skills. Operating paddock system with good grassland management on dry farm. Regular weighing’s can be provided. | REFERENCE NM06
  • CONTRACT REARER REQUIRED in the north Munster or south Leinster areas to rear thirty 0-1 year olds and twenty 1-2 year olds. 0-1’s would go out at 14 to 16 weeks old and all stock returned at end of their 2nd grazing season. Stock bull can be supplied for service. |REFERENCE PA07

  • FULLTIME BEEF FARMER looking to lease grassland farm 80-180 acres in size in order to expand farming enterprise. Would use farm for grazing and silage making and maintain to the highest standard. Kells/Athboy/Delvin Area. |REFERENCE NE06
  • QUALIFIED DAIRY FARMER looking to take on a farm lease in the north Cork area on a long term basis. Ideally a grassland farm but would consider other options. | REFERENCE TX33
  • YOUNG ENTHUSIASTIC DAIRY farmer looking to lease 60 acre plus block of land in the Munster or Leinster areas for minimum of 7 years. Preferably on existing dairy farm. Open to different types of arrangements. |REFERENCE OK13l of finance they require.