DEAR SIR: It was with a mixture of confusion and amusement that I read Alan Kyle’s impassioned rallying call that we should vote to leave the EU (Irish Farmers Journal letters, 25 June 2016). Now that the referendum has been won by the Leave campaign, one must assume that we await the glorious day that DAERA removes all regulation from agriculture, fisheries and the environment.
DEAR SIR: It was with a mixture of confusion and amusement that I read Alan Kyle’s impassioned rallying call that we should vote to leave the EU (Irish Farmers Journal letters, 25 June 2016).
Now that the referendum has been won by the Leave campaign, one must assume that we await the glorious day that DAERA removes all regulation from agriculture, fisheries and the environment.
Furthermore, we can assume that the costly and complicated move of DAERA offices and staff to the northwest will be dramatically simplified as the department is no longer required.
If this monumental deregulation is mirrored across all government departments in Northern Ireland, we will have thousands of people available to work for £150 per 85-hour week in our food processing plants and factories.
We can then flood Europe with cheap food products and become the Brazil or New Zealand of the northern hemisphere. Desperate to capitalise on the wealth being generated in the UK agriculture industry, Germany will be only too glad to reciprocate by supplying us with non-EU emissions compliant machinery and fast cars, while the French and Italians will send us expensive booze and haute couture.
Given both local and national governments’ obsession with bureaucracy, these ideas may be a little too far-fetched to ever become a reality, which leads me to the conclusion that the best place to enjoy the benefits of the New Zealand farming utopia is probably New Zealand.