Boortmalt barley suppliers are currently looking at a price of €273/t for their barley at harvest.
However, this price is based on an average which will not be finalised until the middle of September.
The Boortmalt harvest price for barley is calculated by taking the Free-On-Board (FOB) Creil Planet malting barley price (a French malting barley price) at the close of business every Wednesday from mid-April to mid-September.
The average of these prices is then used as the harvest price.
The price currently stands at €273/t. However, this price is subject to a €10/t charge from Boortmalt. So, this brings the price down to €263/t.
A bonus of €10/t is paid for distilling barley. So, those with distilling barley will be paid €273/t.
Farmers are required to deliver 70% of their contracted barley as brewing and 30% of their barley as distilling. Brewing barley has a protein content between 8.9% and 10.8%, while distilling barley has a protein content of 8.8% of less.
Price delivered at current average - €263/t (€10/t charge deducted).