Another sunny Sunday in the summer show calender saw the west of Ireland-registered Suffolk sheep breeders club take to Claregalway Show for its 2023 club finals. The prestigious event, which was very well supported by breeders who turned out in their droves with quality sheep, was judged by Andrew Wilson from the renowned Shannagh and Castleisle flocks in Co Donegal.
Declan Mangan, Andrew Wilson, Mark Miley and Marie Jennings with the supreme champion, Cranorskie Adele and the reserve supreme champion, Ballygarris Big Ben. \ Shanon Kinahan
The overall champion of the sheep showing classes was awarded to Ray O’Loughlan with his Sufftex hogget. Pictured is judge Michael Conneely, Joe O’Laughlan and sponsor of the champion trophy, Tommy Flaherty
\ Shanon Kinahan
Robin Leahy with his first prize winning bullock Rocketman at the 2023 Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
Mark Maxwell with his Belgian Blue heifer who was overall champion of the show, Black Friday. \ Shanon Kinahan
The west of Ireland-registered Suffolk Sheep Breeders Club championships were held at Claregalway Show. /Shanon Kinahan
Judge Andrew Wilson of the Castleisle and Shannagh flock making his final decision before tapping out his champion at the west of Ireland-registered Suffolk Sheep Breeders Club championships at Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
The annual event kicked off with the young handlers class, which saw Matthew Mangan take the top spot with Harry Graham and Lorna Bailey following in second and third place, respectively.
It was a cracking day for Mark Miley from Knockcroghery, Co Roscommon, who was cheered on by his young daughters Ria and Isla as his shearling ewe was tapped out as the supreme champion at the 2023 club championships.
The young gimmer named Cranorskie Adele was sired by Birness Banter and was bred from a Castleisle Capaldi dam.
Adele who had previously won the shearling ewe class was tapped out as the overall female champion before being awarded the supreme championship title.
Judge Andrew Wilson of the Castleisle and Shannagh flock making his final decision before tapping out his champion at the West of Ireland Registered Suffolk Sheep Breeders Club championships at Claregalway Show. /Shanon Kinahan
Gary Mulligan helping out his sister Nichola while showing in the commercial calf class at Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
Mark Miley keeping a stern eye on the judge while the club championships were being judged at Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
Michael Jennings and judge Michael Coneely with his first prizewinning shearling ewe at Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
Sunday’s championships made for a memorable day for Michael and Marie Jennings from Hollymount, Co Mayo, with their impressive pens of Suffolk sheep, who claimed as many accolades as they possibly could from the 2023 finals.
The duo placed second in the aged ewe class, second in the shearling ram class, first in the ewe lamb class, as well as placing first and second in the ram lamb class. It was an incredible achievement that just got better and better.
The Jennings family stepped up to scoop the reserve female championship with their ewe lamb and the male championship with their first prizewinning ram lamb, before going on to be tapped out as the reserve supreme champion with their ewe lamb, Ballygarris Big Ben. The January 2023-born lamb was sired by Kells T-Rex who was purchased by the Castleisle and Shannagh flock for 25,000gns after being crowned champion at the 2020 Blessington sale.
Local man Tom McCann pictured with his first prizewinning Zwartables ewe that won the confined class at Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
Ella and Liam Casey from Fanore, Co Clare are pictured with their first prize winning lamb at the Claregalway Show. /Shanon Kinahan
Don't forget we would love to see your photos from all the summer shows. You can upload them here.
\ Shanon Kinahan
Another sunny Sunday in the summer show calender saw the west of Ireland-registered Suffolk sheep breeders club take to Claregalway Show for its 2023 club finals. The prestigious event, which was very well supported by breeders who turned out in their droves with quality sheep, was judged by Andrew Wilson from the renowned Shannagh and Castleisle flocks in Co Donegal.
Declan Mangan, Andrew Wilson, Mark Miley and Marie Jennings with the supreme champion, Cranorskie Adele and the reserve supreme champion, Ballygarris Big Ben. \ Shanon Kinahan
The overall champion of the sheep showing classes was awarded to Ray O’Loughlan with his Sufftex hogget. Pictured is judge Michael Conneely, Joe O’Laughlan and sponsor of the champion trophy, Tommy Flaherty
\ Shanon Kinahan
Robin Leahy with his first prize winning bullock Rocketman at the 2023 Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
Mark Maxwell with his Belgian Blue heifer who was overall champion of the show, Black Friday. \ Shanon Kinahan
The west of Ireland-registered Suffolk Sheep Breeders Club championships were held at Claregalway Show. /Shanon Kinahan
Judge Andrew Wilson of the Castleisle and Shannagh flock making his final decision before tapping out his champion at the west of Ireland-registered Suffolk Sheep Breeders Club championships at Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
The annual event kicked off with the young handlers class, which saw Matthew Mangan take the top spot with Harry Graham and Lorna Bailey following in second and third place, respectively.
It was a cracking day for Mark Miley from Knockcroghery, Co Roscommon, who was cheered on by his young daughters Ria and Isla as his shearling ewe was tapped out as the supreme champion at the 2023 club championships.
The young gimmer named Cranorskie Adele was sired by Birness Banter and was bred from a Castleisle Capaldi dam.
Adele who had previously won the shearling ewe class was tapped out as the overall female champion before being awarded the supreme championship title.
Judge Andrew Wilson of the Castleisle and Shannagh flock making his final decision before tapping out his champion at the West of Ireland Registered Suffolk Sheep Breeders Club championships at Claregalway Show. /Shanon Kinahan
Gary Mulligan helping out his sister Nichola while showing in the commercial calf class at Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
Mark Miley keeping a stern eye on the judge while the club championships were being judged at Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
Michael Jennings and judge Michael Coneely with his first prizewinning shearling ewe at Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
Sunday’s championships made for a memorable day for Michael and Marie Jennings from Hollymount, Co Mayo, with their impressive pens of Suffolk sheep, who claimed as many accolades as they possibly could from the 2023 finals.
The duo placed second in the aged ewe class, second in the shearling ram class, first in the ewe lamb class, as well as placing first and second in the ram lamb class. It was an incredible achievement that just got better and better.
The Jennings family stepped up to scoop the reserve female championship with their ewe lamb and the male championship with their first prizewinning ram lamb, before going on to be tapped out as the reserve supreme champion with their ewe lamb, Ballygarris Big Ben. The January 2023-born lamb was sired by Kells T-Rex who was purchased by the Castleisle and Shannagh flock for 25,000gns after being crowned champion at the 2020 Blessington sale.
Local man Tom McCann pictured with his first prizewinning Zwartables ewe that won the confined class at Claregalway Show. \ Shanon Kinahan
Ella and Liam Casey from Fanore, Co Clare are pictured with their first prize winning lamb at the Claregalway Show. /Shanon Kinahan
Don't forget we would love to see your photos from all the summer shows. You can upload them here.
\ Shanon Kinahan