Beef prices break 490p/kg barrier

Factory prices for finished cattle are edging upwards, with in-spec steers and heifers crossing the 490p/kg mark. Base prices have increased by 4p to 6p/kg on last week with official quotes on 464p to 474p/kg for U-3 grading animals.

Reports indicate 488p to 490p/kg is a realistic starting price with deals being made from 492p to 496p/kg for steers and heifers.

Young bulls are moving from 480p to 486p/kg with cows on 370p to 390p/kg for R grading animals, depending on age and numbers.


Plants have moved to curtail lamb prices, reducing quotes by 5p to 10p/kg with 605p to 610p/kg on offer to 22kg deadweight.

However, price deals remain on 615p to 620p/kg. Mart prices remain strong, although farmers are being advised to be more selective when drafting, as higher numbers of under-fleshed lambs are being presented at live sales.

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Removing the stock bull in spring-calving herds

Beef Trends: tighter supplies lifts base prices by 5c/kg