I farm: ‘‘A suckler herd alongside 300ac of tillage including rented ground and a contracting business also to keep a steady flow of work throughout the year.’’
Crops: ‘‘We have 75ac of winter barley, 27ac of oilseed rape, 44ac of spring oats and the balance is spring barley. A fodder crop may be an option this year once a contract from a farmer is in place.’’
Breeds: ‘‘We run a herd of mixed cows which are bred to Charolais, Aubrac or Simmental with everything finished on the farm. ’’
Family: ‘‘I farm in partnership with my wife Marian and my son Wayne (33). We started the process three years ago but it has only been official since last year. It’s a long process.’’
This week: ‘‘We still have around 35ac of wet ground to sow. My son will be spreading fertiliser on the spring oats to give them a boost and I have to spray 135ac of winter barley for a customer.’’
Tough spring: ‘‘The real damage will be seen in the soil next year. It’s our first year using chicken pellets to improve soil structure.’’
Discussion group: ‘‘I am secretary of the Bagenalstown tillage discussion group. We were approached to join the Knowledge Transfer but we didn’t want to go that route. We are now independent and pay our own insurance and costs.’’
Photography: ‘‘I have a real passion for taking photos of wildlife and landscape whenever I can but I can’t have the camera on me when I’m working and see a nice opportunity.’’
Quotable quote: ‘‘We were sowing this year in conditions you wouldn’t even look into a field to do anything in another year but we have to get the crop in the ground.’‘
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My Farming Week: Batt Sheehan, Ballynoe, Co Cork
I farm: ‘‘A suckler herd alongside 300ac of tillage including rented ground and a contracting business also to keep a steady flow of work throughout the year.’’
Crops: ‘‘We have 75ac of winter barley, 27ac of oilseed rape, 44ac of spring oats and the balance is spring barley. A fodder crop may be an option this year once a contract from a farmer is in place.’’
Breeds: ‘‘We run a herd of mixed cows which are bred to Charolais, Aubrac or Simmental with everything finished on the farm. ’’
Family: ‘‘I farm in partnership with my wife Marian and my son Wayne (33). We started the process three years ago but it has only been official since last year. It’s a long process.’’
This week: ‘‘We still have around 35ac of wet ground to sow. My son will be spreading fertiliser on the spring oats to give them a boost and I have to spray 135ac of winter barley for a customer.’’
Tough spring: ‘‘The real damage will be seen in the soil next year. It’s our first year using chicken pellets to improve soil structure.’’
Discussion group: ‘‘I am secretary of the Bagenalstown tillage discussion group. We were approached to join the Knowledge Transfer but we didn’t want to go that route. We are now independent and pay our own insurance and costs.’’
Photography: ‘‘I have a real passion for taking photos of wildlife and landscape whenever I can but I can’t have the camera on me when I’m working and see a nice opportunity.’’
Quotable quote: ‘‘We were sowing this year in conditions you wouldn’t even look into a field to do anything in another year but we have to get the crop in the ground.’‘
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My Farming Week: Batt Sheehan, Ballynoe, Co Cork