Following recent details concerning shed scams, let me put it from a sales point of view. I am a sales agent for Steel and Roofing Systems (SRS), Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny.
We fabricate and erect farm and industrial buildings, are fully CE registered and compliant and are continually losing contracts to unregistered contractors who, because they are unregistered, are able to operate at far cheaper rates, at times up to 30% or more.
Their work is second rate in terms of cleaning of the raw steel, steel dimensions, welding and painting.
No pride is taken in quality of finished product all of which taken together result in the lifespan and safety of the building being compromised.
We recently walked away from two large contracts because the opposition were offering steel sizes that our engineers calculated as undersize. Planning regulations specify CE registered contractors must be used but is anybody checking? Farmers run the risk of being forced to demolish a building that does not comply with CE regulations.
Additionally as an individual I am controlled and monitored by a professional organisation, of which I am a member, which is a further safeguard for our customers.