I farm: “A dairy and tillage farm of 270 acres, partly rented in Neddinsgrange, Clonmel. We’re in an area of great land, and plan to expand heavily over the next three years.”

System: “I farm with my brother Michael and my father, also named Michael. We’re currently milking 65 cows and have 93 acres in corn. Forty-two of these acres will be converted to grass this year, with the remainder in the next three years.”

Expansion: “Our aim is to increase to 240 cows over the coming three years. We have 64 heifers going to the bull this year with a further 80 for next year. Our heifers for expansion are bought as calves and reared on farm to minimise disease spread.”

New parlour: “We’re currently putting up a new 24 unit Dairymaster parlour with an 80’ x 33’ slatted tank for the collection yard. This should be completed in the next 4-5 weeks.”

This week: “We took advantage of the fine weather by spreading a second round of fertilizer - grazing land received 27 units of CAN while silage ground received 80 units of sulphur CAN.”

Grass supply: “A great supply at the moment, it received a spread of slurry when the window opened back in January and had its first round of nitrogen got as well. Cattle have been out by day since 20 January and out both day and night since 10 February.”

Calves: “All calves are kept on farm until slaughter - the majority this year are Friesian due to the need for heifers to expand.”

Family: “My brother and father are farming here at home with me. I’m engaged to Lorraine, while Michael is married to Rose Marie - they have two small children Kate (five) and David (three).”

Quotable quote: “We try to keep disease to a minimum by buying all heifers for expansion as calves direct off farm. All calves have been clear of BVD the last three years. We also vaccinate for IBR and Lepto as well.”