The Organic Processing Investment Grant Scheme will formally open on 1 June 2021 and projects costing a minimum of €3,000 and up to a maximum of €700,000 can apply.

The Department of Agriculture said the scheme would help develop facilities for the processing, preparation, grading, packing and storage of organic products.

“There are currently great opportunities for the Irish agri-food sector. Demand for organic produce continues to increase year on year and I am fully committed to developing the organic sector as a wonderful opportunity for the Irish agri-food sector, said Minister of State for Agriculture Pippa Hackett.

"This scheme is a further initiative in that direction. It will assist existing organic processors meet the growing demand for organic food, both in Ireland and abroad,” Minister Hackett said.


The grant will be available on projects that meet the following criteria:

  • Improve the organic sector and provide the producers of the basic product with an opportunity of enhancing income.
  • Help to guide production in line with foreseeable market trends or encourage the development of new outlets for agricultural products.
  • Help to improve production, handling and preparation of organic produce.
  • Facilitate the adoption and application of new technologies.
  • Help to ensure the adoption of best practice within the organic production/processing sector.
  • Develop facilities for preparation, grading, packing, storage, distribution, or the sale of organic products as part of a wider organic operation.
  • Applications for aid should be sent to the Organic Unit, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co Wexford.

    Alternatively, a signed completed application may be sent by email to

    The Department stated that applications will not be accepted unless accompanied by all necessary documentation listed.