Getting back some control over the market is the ultimate aim of producer organisations (POs). POs are effectively co-operatives that are recognised by the EU.
Last Friday, Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney launched a public consultation seeking the views of stakeholders on legislating for the establishment of POs in the Irish beef sector.
This was one of the key recommendations in the Dowling report presented at the June beef roundtable.
POs allow farmers the possibility of coming together under a formal structure on a range of different issues. The farmers are allowed to negotiate the price of cattle as a group. According to Reg. 1308/2013, a maximum of 15% of the national beef output can be produced through a PO.
The Department of Agriculture is currently drawing up a statutory instrument to provide a legal basis for POs in the dairy sector and the option now exists to add the beef sector also, if the demand is there.
“I am aware of their prevalence in other EU member states, but one size does not fit all and I want to ensure Irish producer organisations, if they are to be set up, are designed to suit the needs of Irish farmers,” said Minister Coveney.