The deadline of 16 October for farmers to become a certified member of the Bord Bia Sustainable Beef and Lamb Assurance Scheme (SBLAS) as part of the Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme (SCEP) has been extended until 22 January 2024.

However, for farmers who are not yet certified under SBLAS to avail of this extension they must apply to Bord Bia to join by 16 October 2023.

If participants do not apply by 16 October, they will be removed from the scheme and receive no payment under the programme.

The same applies for participants who apply by 16 October but who fail to become certified by 22 January 2024.

It is also important to note that for farmers certified post 16 October, no 2023 SCEP payment will be furnished until Bord Bia confirms to the Department that a farmer is certified on 22 January 2024. For queries, contact the Department helpdesk at 057-867 4422 or by email at

Meanwhile, the Department of Agriculture reports that 16,424 applications were submitted to the National Beef Welfare Scheme before the closing date of Tuesday, 26 September.