The lamb trade is starting the week in a steady manner, with base quotes unchanged at a range of €6.00/kg to €6.20/kg.

When quality assured (QA) payments are included, it leaves QA lambs trading from €6.20/kg to €6.30/kg.

Regular sellers and groups are securing returns ranging from €6.30/kg to €6.40/kg, while a smaller percentage of lambs are rising to a top of €6.45/kg to €6.50/kg by means of conformation bonuses.

Supplies are finely balanced with demand and this is helping to maintain a firm floor under the trade.

Inadequate cover

The caveat to farmers securing the higher prices is lambs achieving a favorable kill-out and possessing an adequate cover of flesh. Reports from factory procurement agents point to a significant number of lambs killing poorly or possessing an inadequate flesh cover.

Where lambs are killing at fat score 1 and possibly underweight, then deductions ranging from upwards of 70c/kg to €1/kg are being imposed. The tight supply of well-fleshed lambs is also reflected in a lively mart trade for top-quality lambs which are well covered.

Sluggish ewe trade

The ewe trade is sluggish. Factory quotes range from €2.60/kg to €2.90/kg, with significant numbers trading in the five main factories from €2.70/kg to €2.90/kg.

Independent plants and abattoirs specialising in the ewe trade are typically operating within a price range of €3.20/kg to €3.40/kg, with select sellers delivering large numbers of top-quality ewes to exact specifications commanding more.