SWS records

The final date for completion of tasks in the National Sheep Welfare Scheme (SWS) for many farmers was Tuesday 15 October 2024. The exception to this was farmers availing of an extended deadline for some tasks, and who have previously notified the Department of such.

There has also been increased calls in the last week for organic farmers who selected the plunge dipping action, and farmers who selected the clostridial vaccination action to be granted an extension due to product supply issues in recent weeks.

The Irish Farmers Journal understands that the Department is reviewing the situation, but no further updates were available at time of going to print. Manufactures confirm that increased supplies, including Cyperguard in 1ltr containers, have been making their way on to the market in recent days.

Inspections are ongoing for both the SWS and Sheep Improvement Scheme (SIS). There have been queries of late regarding the repercussions of possessing a lower number of breeding sheep than the reference/payable number.

There is some variance between the two schemes, as in the SIS the reference figure of ewes must be maintained across the calendar year. In the SWS, the payable number of sheep must be present to complete the action and can be reduced outside of this window. Be careful to note that this is just for the SWS and not the SIS.

For example, if the payable number is 80 breeding sheep and 80 head were shorn and vaccinated, then numbers could have been lower outside of these actions being completed.

The terms and conditions are comparable however, in the penalties that apply where the number of eligible breeding sheep found during an administrative and/or inspection review is lower than the reference figure/payable number.

If this occurs, then a double the difference penalty will be imposed. For example, if the declared scheme payable number is 80 and the actions have only been completed on 60 ewes or only 60 ewes are present in an SIS inspection then the penalty imposed will be the loss of payment on 40 head (shortfall of 20 head doubled).

Closing targets

Reports indicate that there will be no difficulty this year in meeting the target for mid-season lambing flocks of having 20% of ground closed up by the end of October. Swards closed first should ideally be those with the greatest shelter, and those which will respond best to early grass growth/applied nutrients.

FYM deadline

The deadline for applying farmyard manure (FYM) on lands is 31 October, with the prohibited application period in Ireland and Northern Ireland commencing on 1 November 2024.

FYM must also not be field stored during this period. Applications should ideally be targeted to soils with a known nutrient deficiency or areas where crops were removed and nutrients need to be replenished.

Farm safety scheme

The 2024 scheme will provide a financial contribution to participating farmers covering 60% of the eligible cost of power take off shaft covers subject to a maximum eligible cost of €100 per PTO shaft cover, i.e. maximum grant of €60 per shaft cover.

The scheme, which opened on 24 July will close on 1 November 2024, and expressions of interest must be submitted via agfood.ie in advance of purchasing covers. Grant aid is payable on a maximum of four PTO shaft covers per applicant.