Lambs weighing 45kg to 48kg are selling mainly from €89 to €98 and are averaging at about €92/head.
With the current inclement weather, the cover and flesh is having the largest effect on prices. Better-quality types in the same range carrying good flesh are making up to €100/head in cases. Heavy types and butchers lambs over 50kg have seen prices ease also, with good lambs making from €97 to €100, with top-quality types making €103/head.
Demand for store lambs has eased slightly, but mainly for light types. All in all, farmer buyers are still quite active for all good lowland store lambs.
Hill lambs, especially light types are bearing the brunt of the easier trade. Those from 37kg to 42kg are selling mainly from €75 to €82/head, with lighter types from 34kg to 37kg selling mainly from €69 to €74/head. Light hill lambs are still the weakest trade and are making from €1.20/kg for light plain types to €1.40/kg, with slightly better-quality and heavier types making from €1.50/kg to €1.70/kg for heavier wether lambs.
Cull ewes are a steady trade, with prices from €50 to €70/head for average-quality and light types, with better-quality and heavy types making from €80 to €100 at the top.