There has been substantial upward movement in the cull ewe trade in the last week, with factory quotes rising by 50c/kg to €5/kg in the two Irish Country Meats plants and Kildare Chilling. The live trade has also jumped by €10 to €20 per head, with factory agents competing with much greater intensity with agents purchasing ewes for abattoirs and wholesalers specialising in the ewe trade.

Ewe quotes are also running €2.20/kg higher, equating to upwards of €80 per ewe on a carcase weighing in excess of 40kg. Ewe numbers remain very tight, with throughput running 30% to 40% behind the corresponding period in 2024.

Tight supplies and keen demand is also driving lamb prices, with quotes lifting by 20c/kg at the end of last week and now opening at €9.20/kg for quality assured lambs. A significant percentage of lambs are trading from €9.30/kg to €9.40/kg with top prices surpassing €9.50/kg.

Lamb quotes are running approximately €2.30/kg ahead of the corresponding week in 2024, equating to an increase of over €50 per head.