Falling throughput and in particular fewer good quality finished lambs is inserting more competition into the trade. Mart managers report that prices have not altered significantly but there is more appetite from factory agents. Average prices for factory lambs have increased by €1 to €2 per head with the trade strengthening as the week progresses. Prices for good quality 45kg to 50kg lambs range in general from €85 to €95 per head with competition from butchers raising prices in a small number of cases €100 per head. Heavier lambs are selling in general from €97 to €106 per head depending on level of finish. Small numbers of top quality ewe lambs continue to attract a €5-€10 premium on price.
The store trade is best for short keep store lambs. Lowland lambs are selling from €1.80 to €2.00/kg with lambs weighing in excess of 40kg selling in cases to €2.10 to €2.15/kg. Crossbred lambs are selling from €1.60 to €1.85/kg while Scottish Blackface lambs are selling from €1.20 to €1.50/kg.
Some marts in the midland and west are reporting top prices of €75 to €85 per head for fleshed ewes while marts in the south and east are reporting top prices reaching €90 per head. Feeding ewes are selling from €50 to €65 per head with hill breeds back to €40 for ewes lacking flesh.