Weekend weather: alternating wet and dry spells
Niamh Murphy
The weekend will bring mixed weather, with temperatures of up to 20°C on Sunday, according to Met Éireann.
12 June 2024 Husbandry
Tillage Management: fungicides and farm walks
There is plenty to be done on tillage farms at present. Spraying fungicides is one of the priority jobs on a number of crops.
26 May 2024 News
Keeping disease out of spring barley crops
It is easier to keep disease out of crops than to control it. It is also important to avoid stress on plants.
Crop on Camera: paintbrush stage means T2 time
The awns are out on this crop in Co Wexford and Teagasc adviser Eoin Lyons explains how it will be treated at the T2 fungicide timing.
7 June 2022 Crops
Prolonged activity, low rate and more diseases: Adepidyn
The advent of Adepidyn will bring another very useful disease control tool to the market, if and when it arrives.
13 April 2022 Crop protection