In this instalment of Crop on Camera, we catch up with details of Vivion Turbitt's crop in Co Wexford, which is now due its second fungicide application.

There was rapid growth in Vivion's crop of Laureate malting barley throughout early to mid-May as a result of adequate levels of rainfall and also above-average temperatures.

However, for the second half of May, growth has slowed in line with the decreasing rainfall levels.

Despite this, the crop is not showing any signs of stress, with an average of 1,250 shoots per metre squared.

The crop remains on track to reach its full yield potential.


The only concern for Vivion, and many spring barley growers, is the quantity of BYDV that is present in the crop.

The crop did receive an application of insecticide. However, given the quantity of aphids present this spring, total control was always going to be difficult.

An assessment of the crop has shown that the infection rate is only at 2%. Therefore, it should not have any significant impact on yield.

The next action to complete on the crop will be the final fungicide application. The aim of the final fungicide application is to prolong green leaf area and, in particular, to help prevent ramularia from entering the crop.

Timing crucial

In order to achieve this, timing of the final fungicide application is crucial. Teagasc research has shown that the most beneficial timing for that final fungicide is at awns emergence or the paintbrush stage.

Vivion’s crop is currently at this stage and the application of the final fungicide will be completed in the coming days.

The products that Vivion intends to use will be Arizona (Folpet) at 1.5l/ha, combined with Decoy at 0.4 l/ha and Priaxor at 0.75 l/ha.

A half-rate of the Decoy/Priaxor will be more than adequate for disease control on the crop, as there is little or no disease present and also Laureate has a good disease rating profile.

Farm Facts

Farmer: Vivion Turbitt.

Location: south Wexford.

Sowing date: 18 March.

Seeding rate: 187kg/ha.

Nitrogen rate: 150kg/ha (120 units).