Dear Miriam: My partner broke up with me suddenly. Should I still go on holiday?
A heartbroken reader seeks Miriam's advice on whether she should go on a holiday she booked for her and her boyfriend before he broke up with her.
13 November 2024 Ask Miriam
‘My husband wants to move house before Christmas – but it’s stressing me'
The stress of a three year house build has left a married couple in Limerick at loggerheads with Miriam's advice sought on how to convince the husband to hold off on moving in until after Christmas.
6 November 2024 Ask Miriam
Dear Miriam: ‘How do I tell my daughter to rent instead of moving back home?’
A reader who is reluctant to have her daughter and son-in-law move in with her asks Miriam's advice on how she can broach the subject of a rental home instead.
Ask Miriam: 'I will never let her inside my door again'
A bitter fallout between sisters over claims one has been stealing from the other for 40 years is the issue facing Miriam this week.
9 October 2024 Ask Miriam
Ask Miriam: 'my daughter is freezing me out'
A concerned mother, who fears her daughter is suffering delayed grief from the death of her father, seeks Miriam's advice on how to rebuild their relationship.
2 October 2024 Ask Miriam