The Department of Agriculture has released its maize recommended list. The list only applies to uncovered maize. In total 20 varieties were trialled by the Department in 2024, but only six got a place on the recommended list. Old reliable Ambition remains on the fully recommended list along with Prospect (see table 1).
Four varieties are on the provisionally recommended list – Resolute, KWS Anastasio, Saxon and the newest edition to the list P7179.
Saxon is the highest yielder on the list with a relative dry matter yield score of 107.
KWS Anastasio is not far behind it at 105 and Resolute is at 104. Those higher yielding varieties fall down on starch content, but overall look to balance out when it comes to metabolizable energy.
New variety P7179 has scores of 101 for both relative dry matter yield and relative starch content and is slightly lower on metabolizable energy than the other varieties at 10.9MJ/kg.
Something to keep an eye out for is maturity. There is one late maturing variety on the list – KWS Anastasio and there is one medium-late maturing variety – Resolute.
Farmers growing a late variety need to have a very dry site to ensure they get the crop harvested. These varieties should also be planted as early as possible.
In general, late maturing varieties do produce higher yields, but this is only if you can harvest them in good conditions. Earlier maturing varieties generally have higher starch content.
The Department of Agriculture estimates that about 75% of maize in Ireland is grown with a cover. The single use plastics directive came into effect in 2021. At this point the Department stopped trialling covered maize varieties.
However, covered trials restarted in 2023, using the plastic alternative mulch film. Three years data is needed for a variety to be added to the recommended list so there should be a list in 2026.
Another notable uncovered maize variety in trial is Foxtrot which has been grown fairly widely on farms. It performs well on both yield and starch content.
Covered varieties
Covered varieties will make up the most area of maize in Ireland. Saxon and Ambition can also be grown under cover.
Ambition has a high starch content and is an early maturing variety. Saxon performs similarly to Ambition with a higher yield, but lower starch content.
LG31.207 has been grown commercially for three years. It is reported to have a high yield on good sites under plastic. It is also reported to have a good yield on moderate sites.