Round bales of barley straw are costing in the region of €20 from the field and around an extra €10/bale for delivery this week. Square 8x4x3 bales are making €40/bale from the field and 8x4x4 bales are making an average of €50/bale. Prices vary depending on location and quality. Tillage farmers are hoping for a few days of drying in order to bale straw, as a lot of it is still on the ground across the country.

A Co Kerry-based farmer told the Irish Farmers Journal that the quality of this year’s straw might not be great, the colour might not be great, but as long as it’s dry, it’ll have to do. “It’ll be a funny year for straw, especially compared with the last two years – sure it was like gold.

“We bed cattle ourselves and everybody loves to see golden straw, but as long as it’s dry and it opens out, it’ll do. It ends up the one way after a few hours anyway. Most farmers accept this and this year they’re happy to get it. Straw will be scarce,” he said.

A farmer in Co Louth said that demand for straw is strong, but that it could become scarce.

“Quality is poor, but the colour of it is only looks. If you can get it dry, it’ll be the finest,” he said.

Yields so far are quite low, with reports, for example, of five to six bales to the acre in Co Cork.