As autumn sowing comes to a close, conditions across the country remain ideal.

According to growers and industry sources, the area sown under winter barley is expected to increase by 25% to 30% on 2017 levels.

Winter wheat and oilseed rape area is largely expected to remain at a similar level, while winter oat area may be down slightly, with seed likely to be an issue for spring oats.

Making accurate area assessments this autumn may be difficult as a higher amount of home-saved seed is being used this year. Sowing after maize, potatoes and beet is still ongoing and lower grain weights are stretching seed further. Crops are emerging quickly and look excellent.


There remains no sign of a 2019 price or price structure from Boortmalt for malting barley.

Negotiations between Boortmalt and IFA representatives are continuing, but no breakthrough has been achieved.

There has been significant take-up from growers for Boortmalt’s fixed price offer of €230/t, but that is for a maximum of 20% of contracted tonnage.

Beet meeting

Meanwhile, Beet Ireland has organised a second meeting with potential growers.

This meeting is being held exclusively for members of the Irish Grain Growers (IGG) and their guests and takes place on November 15.

The ITLUS/Beet Ireland meeting is next Wednesday, 7 November.