Along with farmers, AI technicians, vets, hauliers moving livestock and feed, and contractors providing services that cannot be delayed in the next month have been designated as essential by the New Zealand government.

From today, New Zealand has stepped up its measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus. All those not working in essential services must stay at home and stop all interaction with others outside their household.

The government stressed that food will always be available, with its production, its distribution and its availability in supermarkets continuing.


On Twitter, New Zealand’s Minister for Primary Industries Damien O’Connor acknowledged the uncertainty facing farmers, growers and the wider rural community. O’Connor posted a detailed list of businesses connected to farming that are considered essential.

Those businesses that are considered essential are required to register with the ministry to provide assurances that they will operate in a way that limits interactions and reduces the potential spread of COVID-19.

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COVID-19: essential services remain available to NI farmers