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Behind the scenes at the Royal farm visit
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Teagasc Grange on their first tour of Ireland last week. We chat to Teagasc’s Paul Crosson and Catherine Keena who were involved in the royal walkabout.
Wet weather adds to cost for farmers
Beef editor Adam Woods discusses how wet weather is adding to costs and work load for farmers.
Can you get the coronavirus from drinking milk?
Deputy editor Jack Kennedy answers some questions farmers have been receiving and look at the impact of coronavirus on the industry.
Aberdeen Angus presidents on their plans for the coming year
Last week Shane Murphy met with Alan Cheney and John McEnroe of the Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society and Irish Aberdeen Angus Association. Both men stepped up into new roles over the past month. Alan, a Tyrone native who runs the Lana herd was appointed president of the Aberdeen Angus Association based out of Scotland. The Irish Aberdeen Association of this society sees John McEnroe of the well-known Liss herd in Co Meath take presidency. At this meeting both outlined their ambitions for their terms.
Kilkenny’s farm to fork helping make farm diversification a reality
Janine Kennedy speaks with Teagasc regional manager Siobhan Kavanagh about their farm to fork diversification event and chats to Rosemary Cleary O’Shea, who was a panellist at the event speaking about her Tullahay Farm product line, which uses the milk from her Tipperary farm.
Health checks for NI farmers
Amy Coey from NI Chest, Heart and Stroke speaks to Peter McCann about their health check initiative for farmers.
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