Taking a look at the bullock and heifer rings for the 2024 mart trade analysis, we see that it was the 400kg to 500kg bullocks and heifers that saw the biggest increase for the last 12 months.

For this analysis, we have taken a look at the average-quality grade across all weight categories that we profile on a weekly basis.

The highest number of animals in the categories are sold in the 400kg to 500kg weight bracket in both the bullocks and heifer rings.

Charolais heifers are tied in joint top position with Friesian bullocks in terms of price increases in 2024.

Both Charolais heifers and Friesian bullocks in the 400kg to 500kg weight bracket recorded increases of 19c/kg in 2024 or €86/head.

The Friesian bullock is an interesting one, but makes sense when you look back at some of the exceptional prices being paid for Friesian bullocks in the south of the country, especially in the last few months, as numbers of forward store cattle tightened.

Indirectly, exporters have also helped this trade. Exporters have been very active for forward store continental cattle in recent months and that has meant some of the big feeders haven’t been able to compete with the prices being paid for the better-quality cattle.

They still need cattle, so have dropped back in terms of quality and some would say that Friesians were undervalued, so they were bought.

The fact that some factories are also offering flat prices to the big finishers has also meant that Friesians are an option where weight and not grading determine the price paid in the factory.

Charolais bullocks weren’t far behind in terms of increases, with heavy Charolais bullocks in the 500kg-plus weight category recording an 18c/kg price increase or a €108/head rise on a 600kg bullock, the highest increase in the 2024 trade in terms of per head prices.

Taking a look at what breed fared best in the 2024 analysis, it was the Charolais that were crowned 2024 kings of the ring in marts.

They took five out of the six top positions in terms of prices in the bullock and heifer rings in 2024.

Top call went to Charolais bullocks in the 400kg to 500kg weight category coming in at €3.12/kg in 2024, up 16c/kg or €72/head on the 2023 figure.

This was followed closely behind in second spot for the Charolais bullocks in the 300kg to 400kg weight bracket coming in at €3.11/kg in the last 12 months.

Taking up the joint third position were Charolais bullocks in the 500kg-plus weight category and Limousin bullocks in the 400kg to 500kg weight bracket.

In almost all categories of stock, it was Charolais that came in at top price followed by Belgian Blue and Limousin.

The one category that was different was the heifer over-500kg weight category, where Limousin heifers came out on top at €2.98/kg.

Simmentals and Aberdeen Angus cattle recorded the lowest price increases across most categories. In terms of price performance, it was the Hereford breed that generally came in lowest across most weight categories in 2024.

Breed breakdown

The breed breakdown in the bullock and heifer rings remained similar to the 2023 breakdown.

Friesian cattle saw a drop of 2.4% to 12.1%, with sexed semen expected to accelerate this drop in 2025.

Aberdeen Angus were the main benefactors of this drop, with their share seeing a 2.8% rise on the 2023 numbers.

The Charolais breed also saw a 1.4% rise, while the Limousin breed saw a 1% reduction in 2024.

Herefords remained unchanged at 12.7%, with Belgian Blue and Simmental also holding firm on their 2023 figures.