Q: What are the most important factors students should consider when picking courses for their CAO application?
“Applicants should consider the fundamental rule of the CAO system: place your course choices in genuine order of preference. What this means is that applicants should put their dream course in first place, their second-favourite course in second place, and so on, right the way down to number 10 on both lists – should you have 10 courses of interest. Applicants must also read the CAO handbook carefully, and follow the instructions on the application form and at cao.ie.”
Q: What do parents need to know about in terms of the CAO application?
“Parents should ensure that they are aware of the important deadlines, including the application deadlines for the HEAR (Higher Education Access Route) and DARE (Disability Access Route to the Education) schemes, should their child be applying for either. All of the deadlines can be viewed in the ‘important dates’ section of cao.ie and the inside cover of the CAO handbook.
“Parents should remind their children to check their CAO account when they receive the statement of application email in May. This email provides an instruction for applicants to log in to their account to check – and double-check – that all of their account information is complete and correct.”
Q: Is the application the same for mature students?
“Applicants competing on the basis of mature years should go to cao.ie/mature for additional information to assist them with completing their application. There is a mature applicant form within the main CAO application form that contains 11 sections that need to be completed by 1 March in order to allow the higher education institutions to assess their application. Mature applicants must also post supporting documents to CAO within 10 days of making an application.”
Q: What is the most common mistake students make when filling in the CAO application?
“Some of the common mistakes include not listing courses in genuine order of preference. Also not following the instructions for completing the qualifications and assessments section of the application form.”
Q: What is important for students to remember when they select their first choice?
“Students should make sure that they meet the minimum entry requirements for their chosen course. They should also remember that if they receive an offer of their first preference level 8 course, they will not receive a subsequent offer for any lower preference level 8 courses in later rounds.”
Q: Why is it important to fill in the level 6 and 7 sections?
“Applicants should list courses on both the level 8 and the level 7/6 lists in order to give them plenty of options at the offers stage. As well as offering qualifications in their own right, level 7/6 courses often offer progression pathways into level 8 courses.”