Marketing can take many forms and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts depends on a combined approach. Remember that your written marketing plan and strategies are only as good as the time and research you have put into them.
The development of your marketing plan should be treated as an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of your future customer. This work mind-set will ensure that all of your future decisions are customer based and therefore more profitable.
More on this; it is important that your marketing plan is customer-driven. While promotion-led marketing may be aesthetically pleasing, it can be an ineffective and not to mention, costly choice if it is not reaching your target customer.
First, you need to get to know your customer and understand exactly what they want. Then you will be better placed to plan and deliver marketing campaigns that will reach and attract them.
Marketing and advertising are fundamental in starting up your business, but be sure to shop around for the most cost effective methods.
As well as the traditional forms of TV, radio, print advertising - there are many forms of digital, video and social media marketing methods available now. Again, keep your target customer in mind when choosing your method.
Outsourcing marketing to a specialist is one option; but remember that much of your business’ marketing can be done by you, or a member of your team. Online bloggers and influencers also play a huge role in modern marketing. And whether you are a social media marketing guru or not, there are supports and services in place to help you upskill in this and many other areas.
Engage with your local enterprise office for unbiased advice and support on how to choose the right marketing technique for your start up business.
For more in-depth detail on developing your marketing strategy sign up for the free LEO Start Your Own Business Programme at