Researchers at Atlantic Technological University (ATU) and Dublin City University (DCU) have received funding from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a three-year soil health assessment in the northwest of Ireland.

ATU researchers Dr Shane O'Reilly, in collaboration with Dr Sean Jordan and Dr Brian Kelleher at DCU, are carrying out this research in a bid to raise awareness of the critical role soil health plays in sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation and regional development.  

MMeSH - a research project which stands for Microbial- and Metabolite-based indicators for Soil Health - will use state-of-the-art scientific methodology to assess and monitor soil health.

The researchers will work closely with farmers, the general public and national and international stakeholders during the project.  


The project will collect an array of data, creating a map of soil microbial diversity. This data will be openly available online to deliver practical solutions for farmers, policymakers and environmentalists. 

If successful, the findings have the potential to reshape agricultural practices in the region.  

Dr O'Reilly, an assistant chemistry lecturer at ATU Sligo, said: "Soil is a key natural resource that is often overlooked and it's commonly viewed as a non-living substance, routinely ignored, but nothing could be further from the truth.

"Soil is a thriving ecosystem that hosts many living organisms, from simple bacteria and fungi to earthworms, insects and plants.

"All these organisms interact in a complex web of life, sharing, exchanging and competing for resources that affect the soil's overall health.” 

The research, according to assistant professor in chemistry at DCU Dr Jordan, will "investigate and build a map of microbial communities in our soil using high-tech methods and we hope to pinpoint how that affects soil health and if novel tests can be developed in the future for specific bio-indicators for soil health".


Welcoming the commencement of the project, EPA programme manager Dr Tara Higgins said: "The EPA is pleased to fund this research by ATU and DCU, which will enhance our understanding of soil ecosystems and soil health in Ireland.

"A key objective of our EPA research programme is to deliver evidence to inform decision-making.

"This research will provide important insights into how human activity directly and indirectly affects soil health, providing new evidence to inform future decision-making to protect and improve soil health.”