Tirlán offered grain growers a green feed barley price for harvest 2023 of €198/t on Thursday (4 May) and a green feed wheat price of €208/t.

This is the lowest price available for barley since late 2021. The drop reflects the current direction of global grain prices.

It should be noted that this price does not include any potential trading bonuses to shareholder members.

The price has dropped by €8/t for both grains since last week's offer.


The Matif wheat price for December, which acts as a guide for Irish grain prices, closed at €238.75/t on Wednesday night 3 May and had dropped €7.75/t the week before, closing on Friday 28 April at €240.75/t.

Grain supplies look good in Europe at present and a record crop of maize is expected from Brazil later this year.

However, here in Ireland, figures from the Irish Farmers Journal suggest a decrease in wheat, barley and oat production of over 440,000t, as land exits tillage and about 9,000ha of cereals move from cereals to beans and oilseed rape.