Join us for the announcement of the 2020 award winner tonight at 7pm. We all know women who have established innovative and successful businesses using the resources of the family farm. We have celebrated these women through the Women & Agriculture awards.I am delighted to announce that we have reached the finale of a new round of these awards. You can join the celebrations here, or by checking our social media.
Join us for the announcement of the 2020 award winner tonight at 7pm. We all know women who have established innovative and successful businesses using the resources of the family farm. We have celebrated these women through the Women & Agriculture awards.
I am delighted to announce that we have reached the finale of a new round of these awards. You can join the celebrations here, or by checking our social media.
The judges were bowled over by the calibre of the farm women who entered. The 11 finalists include a snail farmer, a couple of cheese makers, a poultry producer, a beetroot juice producer, a garlic and asparagus producer, several tourism products, a beekeeper and a pair of tea rooms
So join us for what promises to be a very positive event. Getting to the final of any competition is a big achievement and congratulations to all our finalists for doing so. Thanks too, to FBD Insurance and the IFA who are our partners in these awards which has a prize fund of €8,000.
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Plough On: striking the right chord
'It’s not like a factory... they only lay one egg a day!'