Australia – milk production continues to weaken

Australian milk production continues its rapid decline. For August, Australian dairy farmers pumped out 693m litres of milk, which was down 6% year on year. This follows on from July, when Australian milk production slumped 8% year on year to just 602m litres.

Brazil – maize production to hit 98m tonnes

Brazilian grain farmers are forecast to produce 98.4m tonnes of maize (corn) this year, which would be down on the 100m tonnes produced last season. Brazil’s soya bean crop is forecast to reach 120m tonnes, which is 5m tonnes higher than last season’s harvest.

USA – soya bean harvest to fall sharply

US soya bean production will fall sharply this year after a difficult time weather-wise. The USDA has forecast US soya bean production for 2019 at just 96.6m tonnes, which is way down on the 120m tonnes produced last year by US grain farmers.

Ukraine – wheat harvest set to hit 28m tonnes

Wheat production in Ukraine is forecast to hit almost 28m tonnes this year, which is 3m tonnes higher than the volume of wheat produced last year. Ukraine’s maize production is forecast at 33m tonnes, which is down 2m tonnes on last year’s harvest.