The 2023 spring cereal recommended lists have been released by the Department of Agriculture. A total of four new varieties have made their way onto the list, while three varieties have exited, Barra oats being the most famous name among those exits.
Spring barley
All six varieties which were on the spring barley recommended lists in 2022 remain recommended in 2023. Geraldine, Skyway and SY Amity have all made their way from the provisionally recommended list to the fully recommended list.
Gretchen and Rockway were provisionally recommended for the first time this year.
Skyway has the highest relative yield among the recommended varieties, but very impressively Geraldine, SY Amity and Rockway all reach 104.
Gangway, Geraldine, SY Amity, SY Errigal and Gretchen all have a rating of eight for resistance to mildew. Seven is the highest rating for resistance to Rhychosporium among the varieties. Geraldine, Skyway, Gretchen and Rockway have the highest rating for resistance to Rhynchosporium.
In terms of malting barley specifications, there is very little between the varieties on protein. The range in protein content is 10.1-10.5%. Skyway is on 10.1%, while Gretchen is on 10.5%. However, this list is not based on malting barley management.
Spring oats
Barra oats has left the spring oats recommended list after 33 years. Husky and WPB Isabel remain on the fully recommended list; both came in at 100 for relative yield.
WPB Isabel rates a seven on resistance to lodging, while Husky is on a six.
Spring wheat
KWS Helium and WPB Duncan are now fully recommended on the spring wheat recommended lists. KWS Fixum and WPB Escape are provisionally recommended, WPB Escape for the first time this year.
KWS Fixum is making a splash on the list with a relative yield of 105, while WPB Escape makes it to 103. Three of the four varieties have a rating of seven for sprouting. Both recommended varieties are on a rating of seven for resistance to mildew, while the provisionally recommended varieties are on six.
KWS Helium hits five for resistance to Septoria, while the remaining three varieties are on a six.
For more information on the Recommended Lists stay tuned to the Irish Farmers Journal online and in the paper.