I am writing to express serious concerns on behalf of the Kerry IFA members regarding the recent publication in the Irish Farmers Journal that disclosed over 100 names, addresses, and share detail of Kerry Group shareholders.

This included individuals who received shares in Kerry Group following the co-op’s acquisition of the dairy division of the agri-giant.

While it is recognised that these details are accessible through the Companies Registration Office (CRO), it is important to highlight that accessing this information typically requires payment and a certain level of awareness regarding the process.

Many of our members were taken aback when they discovered that their personal share detail information was made publicly available without any prior consultation with local organisations like the IFA.

The publication of this sensitive information has caused significant distress within the farming community. Many members have expressed feelings of vulnerability, particularly as the share transfer often represents a lifetime of hard work.

The public exposure of such personal share details has led to concerns about their safety, especially given the substantial sums involved.

These concerns have been exacerbated by the fact that this sensitive data was made accessible, heightening anxiety within the community.

As the Kerry IFA county chairman, I believe it is crucial to raise these concerns. I strongly urge the Irish Farmers Journal to consider the impact of this publication and to reflect on the potential repercussions of making such share information so publicly accessible.

We ask for a more thoughtful and responsible approach in the future when publishing financial details, one that balances the need for transparency with the privacy and safety of those involved.